Strategic Plan Info Graphics!

Hey DJC Community,

Fury here with a guest blog! In putting together our 2022 - 2026 Strategic Plan and beginning to pitch partnerships with funders and mission-aligned organizations, I felt like it was important to put together info graphics which clearly map all of the impact we’ve made since I started DJC in 2013. We have come such a long way!


In the process of mapping out our 2013 - 2022 progress, I also put together a forward-looking graphic that illustrates where we hope to be at the end of our five year plan.


I invite you to have a look at these info graphics, read our Strategic Plan if you haven’t done so already, and spread the word to your networks and community. This is an ambitious plan but we know that with the help of visionary partners we will be able to pull this off.

Most sincerely,


Fury Young
Co-Executive Director & Founder


This Native Stands By Ukraine!


DJC x UMAW IIP: Update 5