Celebrating Ten Years of Die Jim Crow Records 🥳🥳🥳

Art 4 Justice & FREER Presents
DJCX: 10 Years of Die Jim Crow Records
When: December 16th, 2023- 7pm
509 Atlantic Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217

Ten years ago, Die Jim Crow Records began as an album channeling the experiences of Black Americans across the country who have been impacted by mass incarceration. This record intended to transcend time, geography and gender, being a unifying voice for prison-impacted musicians. 


However, the idea could not be bottled up into one project. In 2019, after working with over 65 incarcerated artists, we became a record label. Since then we have built a community of prison-impacted musicians, artists and supporters from across the U.S. and the world, who all have a love of art and sound. We have been able to develop artists and amplify their stories while building unbreakable bonds that transform race, age, offense, and any other “ism” that attempts to divide us. 

We have documented the creation of this art and the evolution of this communitarian approach in the form of a documentary called: DJCX or How We Got FREER. We will be screening it as we celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Along with the film screening we will have a powerful musical medley performance featuring various DJC artists we’ve worked with over the years inside and outside of prison. This is going to be an EPIC night of art!

We will rejoice and look back over the last decade with humility, appreciation, and clarity; while also looking forward to the future with exhilaration and awe as we move forward… FREER.

We hope to see you at the beautiful Roulette Intermedium. Drinks and food will be available for free. Tickets sliding scale. Event will be livestreamed in high quality. We truly hope to celebrate this milestone with you.

We start at 7:30P with an epic musical medley featuring the following artist in order:
Glockboy JD (Mississippi Y.O.U. Boys), EL BENTLY 448, Mark Springer, BL Shirelle, Maxwell Melvins, Simply Naomi, Michael Tenneson (Territorial), Phillip “Two” McCreary (The Masses), Dane “Zealot” Newton (Territorial), B. Alexis, Cedric Johnson aka YNG V, gHSTS & gUITARS (Guitar), Stix Bones (Drums), Brian Lawlor (Keys).


Michael Austin Interview
